
Advantage of draft view in word
Advantage of draft view in word

Showing your document as an outline helps you organize your ideas and bring attention to details that make the most impact. You can edit and move blocks of text according to the heading levels. Outline – When you want to see the headings and subheadings of your document easily, switch to outline view.This is a useful view when you’re creating a document that you plan to publish as a Web page. Web Layout – Your document appears on the screen just like how it would look on a browser.You can choose to show one or two pages at a time. It removes most of the buttons and options. Full Screen Reading – When you want to type and read your document without any distractions, choose full screen reading.This is the default view when you create a new document. It also allows you to click anywhere in the document and start typing a la freestyle writing. Print Layout – Your document appears on the screen just like how it would look if you decided to print it.Five document views are available, each of which is designed for a specific purpose

advantage of draft view in word

Granted, you can’t entirely get rid of all annoyances, but changing how you view your document in Word can sometimes help you work even faster.Įverything you need to change how your document is laid out is found in the View tab in the Microsoft Word ribbon menu. If you’ve been using Microsoft Word for a while now, you know how annoying it can be to edit and review a document with several pages.

Advantage of draft view in word