The certificate is not expired, and like I said previously it is signed and trusted by Windows devices with no issues. However, on iPhones regardless of the browser used, there is a certificate invalid error. We use a signed certificate from GoDaddy that is trusted by every Windows device inside or outside our network. The Avast certificate is the client end certificate and works exactly the way it's meant to as it is scanning inbound email.We have SSL inspection enabled for incoming connections to our Exchange server hosting an OWA page.

However, unfortunately I don't appear to be able to receive mail via that imap connection so have reverted it to a pop3 connection using port 110 until I can get the solution to the imap issue from them

Now got rid of all the verizon references and set the netsol connection up as an imap connection which has the added benefit of getting rid of the peculiar Verizon email rejects of attempting to send spam when forwarding received emails.

Think I probably confused myself as I have always used as my outbound server. Unthinking, I had set the inbound mail server parameters to same as Verizon, Gmail etc 995 and SSL Apparently Netsol are a bit behind the times and on a pop3 connection don't support that - they are port 110 and NO ssl. The error was actually been thrown by my email provider's system - Network Solutions. Has anybody else been getting this error? Does anybody how to fix it as it very annoying getting this popup all the time I have this issue on all the machines that I upgraded to outlook 2016 That makes me believe there is something wrong with the way the Verizon pop server is working. Strangely my gmail account uses the same settings, apart from the fact that it connects to the gmail pop server, and it works fine. Unfortunatley I obviously can't do that when I am not connected to the Verizon network. The only way I can stop this error appearing is by changing the inbound port to 110 and turning off SSL. The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified If I set the Verizon email settings for inbound mail server to the values defined by Verizon - port 995 and SSL checked- in the outlook account more settings advanced field I receive an error message when Outlook starts saying